Main steram of moral inspiration in the school is school assembly which takes place daily. Short talks are arranged in keeping view of character building. News reading is also done every day in the assembly.
School is providing outdoor and indoor facility for the students.
School will take students for tour/short trip in the first week of October.
Students are divided into 4 houses Red, Blue, Green & Yellow.
Yellow, Blue, Green & Red. One group captain for each house and besides these there will be one school Caption as a whole.
This system is organized to develop sense of discipline and responsibility and quality of leadership.
1. Annual prize distribution in between 4th week of March to 2nd week of April.
2. Annul athletic meet 10 to 12 November.
3. Fancy Dress show 14 November.
4. Song & Dance competition 13 November.
5. National festivals: 15th August, 2nd October & 26th January.
6. Quiz, Writing, Storytelling, Art & music competition.
All the parents are requested to take part in the meeting for having up to date information about their ward & avoid any communication gap. It is compulsory to attend all Parents-Teachers meeting.